SUSTAINABLE HENFIELD (SH2030) is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination. At all times, it aims to:
• Accept anyone that wants to join SH2030 as a member who meets the objectives of SH2030;
• Ensure all members of SH2030 receive fair and equal treatment irrespective of sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marital status, pregnancy and maternity, nationality, colour, race, national origin, religion or belief, age or disability;
• Maintain an environment free from harassment and intimidation;
• Ensure that existing and new legislative Acts based on statutory rights to equal treatment are adhered to;
• Deal speedily and effectively with any complaints of alleged discrimination and/or harassment, ensuring all complaints are fully investigated and that remedial action is taken where necessary.
SH2030 will take all reasonable steps to ensure the elimination of harassment. Harassment will not be tolerated and deliberate harassment is considered to be gross misconduct.
Harassment can take many forms and can be aimed at an individual or a group. By way of example people can be subjected to harassment on the following grounds:
• Race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, sex, sexual orientation or gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity;
• Religion, belief or political conviction;
• Their willingness to challenge harassment, leading to victimisation;
• Disability, sensory impairment or learning difficulties;
• Their age – or youth, whether actual or perceived;
• Their association with a person with any of the above characteristics;
• A false perception of any of the above characteristics;
• Offence caused to them by any other employee or third party even though it may not have been directed towards them.
SH2030 will take all reasonable steps to ensure the elimination of harassment. Harassment will not be tolerated and deliberate harassment is considered to be gross misconduct.
Members are expected to fully comply with this equal opportunities policy and may have their membership withdrawn if they are found to be in breach of it. Deliberate acts of discrimination or harassment are considered to be gross misconduct.
Any member who is the subject of harassment, can complain formally or informally. In either case, it will be dealt with promptly.
Informally, they may either speak to a member of the Coordination Committee or ask a fellow member to speak in confidence on their behalf. They will offer advice and may investigate further. Formally, members should use the grievance procedure.
Members are assured that allegations of harassment will be dealt with quickly and taken seriously. Under no circumstances, should it be feared that a member will be victimised for making or being involved in a complaint.