SH2030 is a federal group within the Henfield Community Partnership. Membership is open to any person over 16 or any organisation, living or located in Henfield and the surrounding area, interested in helping SH2030 to achieve its aims and is willing to abide by group’s rules.

Members are encouraged to

  • calculate their carbon footprint, with the help of the group 
  • join in with any SH2030 activities at the level they feel comfortable with
Looking at the West Sussex Climate Pledge at our first public meeting:  Henfield Hall September 2019

Our website is hosted on an  eco-friendly green web hosting provider putting back 3 times the power used  into the grid in the form of renewable energy.

We are Members of SECA (South East Climate Alliance).

We also maintain regular links with other local groups like Greening Steyning, and Central Sussex Climate Network. We are subscribed as a member group to  Friends of the Earth, Repair Cafe International  and Plastic Free Communities.

Our Logo is based on the scientist Ed Hawkins Climate Stripes  temperature chart showing the average temperature for years from 1850- 2019.

It shows that nearly all the hottest years have been recent…. giving rise to climate breakdown, and reminds us that we need the whole world to act together to solve this problem as soon as possible,  hopefully by 2030.